CERTIFICATE - Made with PosterMyWall
open every sunday
 Would you like to give a talk on your spiritual beliefs for 20-30 mins on platform?  
Or would you like to give people a message from their loved one in spirit ? 
If so, we would love to hear what you know, or how you see life.
Please see Rev Sue at the centre on Sundays for more info


LVSC COMMENCES back in 2024

Our door opens every Sunday afternoon at 1.30 pm and service starts at 2 pm sharp.

On platform we have a guest speaker, who will give an informative talk on varied subjects of their choice, mainly on our belief system, but always thought provoking and sometimes challenging, for we always demand evidence. 

A medium delivers personal and meaningful messages from spirit to those that have been chosen. Healing is offered during the service. Caring and sharing is our main aim.

We conclude the day with a friendly afternoon tea.

We are proud of the welcoming atmosphere extended to all and look forward to meeting you.


Mother’s day, Father’s day, and Easter Sunday 2024 our doors will be closed

committee members

           WHERE TO FIND US                                    2 Avondale rd,  Morwell. 3840.                               10 min walk from Morwell station                           or 90 min drive from Dandenong.
