We are affiliated with the VICTORIAN SPIRITUALIST UNION. We are a not for profit incorporated body. The Centre is managed by a committee nominated and elected by its members.
“We have a VSU ordained Minister, Reverend Susanne Welsh”.
We meet every Sunday afternoon at 2 pm (except for Easter Sunday, Mother’s day and Father’s day). The service goes to approximately 3:30, followed by afternoon tea. Everyone is welcome no matter their faith.
Each week we have a guest speaker. The topics are many and varied – some directly relating to spiritual work, others on life attitudes or historical figures, events and experiences that have shaped our belief system. Our speakers are free to choose their own topic. We also have a medium on platform each Sunday . The medium gives short messages from Spirit to those who are chosen, and agree to accept the reading.
Our service includes prayers – in particular a Prayer for Peace and a Healing Prayer. We do often recite the Lord’s Prayer. Guests are free to join in or not. We also have one or two songs – music is such a vibration lifter! We also offer one on one healing to anyone who has the need. Whilst we do adhere to a few rituals – it is not a rigid service – and laughter, caring and sharing is always on the agenda. It is well known as a very warm and friendly centre.
We adhere to no fixed doctrine or articles of faith. Each Spiritualist is asked only to believe that which is in accordance with evidence given or personal experiences.
The beliefs of most Spiritualists can be summed up by our seven Principles,
we believe in:
1. The Creative Divine Spirit of the Universe whom we call God.
2. The Unity of all created beings.
3. The communion of Spirits and the ministering guides.
4. The continuous existence of life beyond the veil of death.
5. Communication between incarnate and discarnate Spirits.
6. Personal responsibility for all our actions whilst on earth.
7. A path of eternal progress open to all souls.
We hold workshops/seminars from time to time. The workshops are on various spiritual themes.
For instance in 2018 the workshops included –
Colour and Mediumship
Make your own dream catcher
Working with Angels, Pendulums, and Numerology
We also hold readings day, usually twice a year. When several mediums are available for personal readings.
There is a small cost for Workshops and readings day – as this is how we raise our funds to pay all the expenses for the centre. They are open to both the public and members. (see Members page for more details in how easy it is to join)